About Me

I am a person who likes to live in the present and i don't wanna think about the future nor the past just enjoy life to the full no matter what happens. My hobbies are several from playin guitar to blogging which started recently and i watch a lot of hollywood movies from the directors like Steven Spielberg to Quintin Tarantino who makes the best movies in hollywood. I love bands like Metallica, Eagles, Pinkfloyd, Gun's n Roses, Iron Maiden, ACDC, Jimmy Hendrix, Igor Presnakyov, Lawson Rollins, Santana and many many more.
I reside in Bangalore the IT capital of India and i work as a freelance web designer, programmer. And i am still a learner in internet issues and likes to get any information from anyone who is willing to share their knowledge with me and i would be completely open with them with what i know.
According to me no human being is higher or lower in any manner all are the same and there is nothing to achieve except holiness, so live your life like you are going to die next moment which is beautiful.
I believe that we get to live our life with this human body only once so why worry let us live in peace.