Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise - His Favourite

When flexibility matters it is definitely the top actor Tom Hanks who can really fit into any character without failing to add his own style of acting. There are three movies Saving Private Ryan, The Terminal and Catch Me If You Can in which his performance was very well appreciated all around the world. He is natural, realistic, dramatic and outstanding in his roles and it even gets more good when directed by the master himself. In these three movies he plays completely different characters and there is no relationship with one another in any way. He is a 'captain' in Saving Private Ryan, a 'Krakozhian' who is trapped in JFK international airport in The Terminal, an 'FBI agent' who specializes in bank fraud in Catch Me If You Can. But played each and every role without overlapping, we can see all the characters are completely different. I would say that Tom Hanks is a directors actor with complete dedication to his roles and when the best meets the best magic happens. There are a lot of actors in hollywood who is not flexible as Tom Hanks, they might be specialists in a particular genre but not in all.
                                                         All those fan followings and that charming action hero roles suddenly came to a new path for Tom Cruise after doing  two movies with Steven Spielberg. His role in Minority Report was so intense and thrilling as a pre-crime agent who is bound to law and and at last found himself trapped by the own system he has been working for. It touches and fulfills our imagination about our futuristic law and order  fantasies. This movie is a top sci-fi thriller with all its glory where arises a civilization without any crime and murders.
And in the movie War Of The Worlds Tom Cruise Plays a dad who is helpless when the aliens take over earth and he struggles to protect his daughter and son. It gives him a very serious role to put up with and he almost succeeds in it, movie goes through a lot emotions which shows the humans drive for survival and are not different from any other animal on this earth. In this movie we can see a completely different Tom Cruise when compared with all of his movies and this two movies will be milestones in his carrier. And in all ways he is the right choice for both the movies in which he have to be little bit adventurous which he is meant for.
Spielberg has always been very precise in his casting in all of his movies like in Artificial Intelligence, Munich... and he never makes a mistake in it and that is what made Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise his favourites.      

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My favourite movie - Saving Private Ryan

This movie is a must watch because of its real life based events during the world war 2 on Omaha beach June 4, 1944. The portrayal of war on omaha beach for the first 30 minutes is bone chilling, shocking and at most realistic. And when you keep aside the movie and think about the soldiers who fought at omaha it gets emotional as well as patriotic. It is the moment of life and death and there is only 10% chance of getting your life back on that beach, it is like you already know that you are gonna die out there but still you have to face it. If i was on that beach i would've died without getting shot, instead an heart attack. In the movie you can clearly observe that the seashore is full of blood, pieces of flesh from the human body, like broken legs, hand, intestine, bone, brains everywhere. And the bullets flying from all directions, atmosphere filled with more bullets than air but still soldiers survive and capture the enemies only because they outnumbered the enemies or else there was not at all a chance for victory. Tom Hanks plays Captain John. H Miller the company commander who's memory has been recollected in this movie.
                          After the clash at omaha beach   before they could settle down they have another task of saving Private First Class James Francis Ryan who has lost all his 3 brothers in the war and he is the last one of the family. The army officers are worried about ryans mother who is a widow and has no one except James Francis Ryan, so they decided to send a team of soldiers to save ryan and this is where the story revolves. The soldiers sent for this task including John. H Miller are not interested in risking all of their life for one soldier and he comforts the co-soldiers that they can go home after the task, and they are not sure that this ryan is still alive. And on the way they find several troops but no ryan but they wont quit from their mission until they find him. For their surprise when they finally meet him and try to get him home safe he refuses to go home leaving his fellow soldiers with whom he was with. He sticks to his duty like a real soldier and he says he will go home only if everybody goes. The captain (Tom Hanks) and his troop is confused of ryan's decision  and even they stick with ryan and fight. But the war becomes more tighter and tough for them to withstand without more backup and it gets more and more aggressive, the enemies outnumber them with tanks and a lot of soldiers. In the end all of troops including Francis Ryan dies in the war and John.H Miller survives luckily and he mourns each and every moment of war and he salutes the war heroes who fought with and without him at his older days.
And the official song of the movie is composed and performed by none other than the Metallica which goes like "Life Just Seems To Fade Away"............................

Steven Spielberg - The Perfectionist

To start with i'm the biggest Steven Spielberg fan and i almost watched all of his movies from Dual, Close encounter of the third kind, E.T to the latest War Horse. He is the best director in the world and there is no comparison with other directors. We cannot include him in the row of directors from which we have to choose the best, because he is way higher than all others. The script, screenplay and the direction is so strong such that we forget we are watching a movie, instead it feels like real characters. The meaning of 'director' when you look up in the dictionary you'll find 'Steven Spielberg', anyone with a good sense would agree.
                          I cannot even find an simple imperfection in any of his movies. His most of the movies are real events based, historical, sci-fi and adventurous with a great amount of thrill in it and only the unaccepted happens. And all of his movies are extraordinarily musical which in fact conducted by John Williams who is simply awesome. If you are a movie admirer  and keen observer and a critic you'll find most of the best directors around are in a way are applying his techniques in their movies and i don't like to reveal it because you know. The best part is that most of the movies he directed has won Oscars except a few maybe 2 or 3 and not more than that. And i find no director who is a match for him. Every movie directed by him has a soul in it and that is what makes him the perfectionist. And if i get a chance to work with Martin Scorsesse, James Cameron i might say no but never to Steven Spielberg. I hope that he makes more than a million movies such that i can watch all my life long. And i believe that if a guy watches all his movies maybe 5 or 6 times it is enough for him to make it the hollywood without going to a filmschool or being an assistant director. Now i'm out of words to express myself about his movies.